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buildDifferent | Construction Marketing | UK

B2B Marketing Consultancy

We build and activate standout marketing plans, setting you apart from your competition. Get free tips and info on how we do this, straight to your inbox.

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I build and activate standout marketing plans, setting you apart from your competition.

Get free tips and info on how we do this, straight to your inbox.

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LEGO man | buildDifferent | Construction Marketing | UK

Is your marketing working for you? Delivering results?
Providing a return?

I eradicate problematic marketing for long-lasting success within B2B industries. Put simply, I turn the answer to each question above from a NO to a YES!



(Development & Implementation)


(Planning & Activation)


Press the start button

It starts with you, me, a brew and a chat.

I listen, we chat, you laugh and I cry (sometimes) happy tears (...must be the onions).

The need-to-knows

If you get to the end of these things and you’re still nodding your head more than a Dwight K Schrute III bobblehead, then give us a call. 

Bobblehead | buildDifferent | Construction Marketing | UK

#1 We measure what matters

  1. Success right now: Generating revenue.

  2. Success for years to come: Building your brand as well as your business.

Helping you make an impact with your marketing. Getting things done before your competition gets a chance to book us.

#2 The price is the price is the price.

You may even be pleasantly surprised by this price that is the price that is the price. We don’t cost on time. We cost on output, results and the value we bring, believing in full-transparency and not shoving the price at the bottom of the page. We want you to make your own mind up about how much value we’ll be bringing (a lot, the answer is a lot).

#3 You have a passion and care about what you do.

If you don’t have a passion why are you doing what you do? We’re in the business of solving construction marketing problems. Caring and having passion makes all our lives easier!

#4 Organisations that follow the herd can walk on.

Doing the same as everyone else means you are competing in a space that is already crowded and cluttered. If you’re sick of not getting the results you want, we will help you zig, when everyone else is zagging.

What you need to know from the need-to-knows

Still bobble-heading?

We work exclusively with individuals and organisations who completely get what we’re chatting here. If you think that's you let’s chat some more.

Extraordinary results

I |

Happy comments

The ability to cut through the grey, draw out the necessary, and create engagement that truly resonates, are all skills which I will always admire.

Katy Roberts | Head of Marketing | BBA

This is the strategic method of our marketing genius. No smoke and mirrors, just three simple steps.

Give your current marketing the once over through our Marketing Health Check.

Discovering and solving the simple problems first (often missed).

Get all your other marketing ducks in a row (other pond-based creatures are available such as swans, newts and dragonflies. Take your pick), through strategic planning and tactical implementation.


#1, #2 and #3 all help to eradicate problematic marketing that is stopping you from achieving your goals.




Get your ducks in order | buildDifferent | Construction Marketing | UK
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